Beginners Chinese Lessons - How to say like and dislike in Mandarin Chinese

Publish Date:2019-02-19 Clicks:2301

Like and dislike


Simple Mandarin Chinese phrase for beginners. To learn a language well, any language, we need to speak, listen and write more often. It is useless if you just accumulate your Chinese vocabulary lists and not use them at all.


Do you know what is like and dislike in Mandarin Chinese? If you don’t, you have come to the right place. Today, you will walk away knowing how to use, pronounce and communicate with your Chinese speaking friend using these two Chinese phrases.


Meaning and Components of like 喜欢



Meaning:. like, love, enjoy, to be fond of, to like, to enjoy, to be happy

HSK Level : Level

Radical : 

Component :

Stroke Count: 12

Pinyin: xǐ

Parts of speech: verb, adjective




Meaning:. happy, pleased, glad, joy, enjoy

HSK Level : Level 1

Radical : 

Component :

Stroke Count: 6

Pinyin: huān

Parts of speech: adjective, verb


How to express dislike in Mandarin Chinese


If  喜欢xǐhuān is like, what is dislike or dont like in Chinese? Well, in Chinese, when you want to say something in the negative, you simply use the Chinese word (Bùno/dont/dis-) before the Chinese phrase. Thus, dislike or dont like will be 不喜欢  Bùxǐhuān. Simple? Yup!




Dialogue is important in learning a language. You need to activate your speaking and listening skills. It is one thing to know how to speak, it is another thing to understand what the other party is talking about or asking. It involves 2 way communication.


I saw a variety programme on TV, and this Korean guy went to Japan armed with a Japanese translation app. He spoke in Korean and the app helped him to translate into Japanese. He took a taxi and spoke to the taxi driver using the Japanese translation app. The taxi driver was impressed with his Japanese speaking skill and started having conversation with him. He started panicking as he could not understand a word of what he was saying. That goes to show, you not only need to know how to speak, but you definitely must also brush up on your listening skills.


Ok, that being said, let us see how the Chinese phrase 喜欢and 不喜欢are being used in the dialogue below


A:        你喜欢什么?

Nǐxǐhuān shén me?

What do you like?


B:        看电影,听音乐我都喜欢。

Kàn diàn yǐng, tīng yīn yuèwǒdūxǐhuān.

I like both movies and music.


A:        这首歌很好听,你喜欢吗?

Zhèshǒu gēhěn hǎo tīng, nǐxǐhuān ma?

This song is very good, do you like it


B:        喜欢。可是,我不喜欢那位歌手。

Xǐhuān. Kěshì, wǒbùxǐhuān nàwèi gēshǒu.

Yes. However, I dislike / do not like the singer.


Traditional Chinese


A:        你喜歡什麼?

B:        看電影,聽音樂我都喜歡。

A:        這首歌很好聽,你喜歡嗎?

B:        喜歡。可是,我不喜歡那位歌手。


How to ask question using 喜欢or 不喜欢


In Chinese, when you want to ask a question, you just need to add 什么or after the Chinese phrase. For example, when you want to ask the What question, you ask  喜欢什么?When you are asking do you, you ask 喜欢吗?Very simple isnt  it. 5 minutes of your time and you have already learned  喜欢,不喜欢,什么and .


Pyramid Drills


Expanding the Chinese words you know is very essential in learning the Chinese language. After you know that like and dislike in Mandarin Chinese are 喜欢, and 不喜欢, how do you actually use them in your conversation.


As you know, 喜欢is an adjective. You can place a Chinese verb after 喜欢to form a sentence. For example, in the dialogue, B said  喜欢看电影喜欢听音乐.


Let us expand base on these two sentences, so that you can carry on with the conversation with your friend. You can’t hold a conversation well if you don’t learn word expansion.



Xǐhuān kàn diàn yǐng

I like to watch movies.



xǐhuān kàn zhòng guódiàn yǐng

I like to watch Chinese movies.



xǐhuān kàn zhòng guówǔdǎdiàn yǐng/ xǐhuān kàn zhòng guówǔdǎpiàn

I like to watch Chinese martial art (Kungfu) movies.



xǐhuān kàn lǐlián jiéyǎn de zhōng guówǔdǎpiàn

I like to watch Chinese kungfu movies by Jet Li.


Traditional Chinese







Base on the phrase 喜欢看电影, we have expanded the sentence by adding 中国武打and 李连杰演的. You can use other Chinese words or Chinese vocabularies to expand your Chinese phrases, so that the conversation can progress smoothly rather than one sided.


Why dont you try to expand the other sentence 喜欢听音乐. Hope you can create more than 4 sentences. ^^


As for 不喜欢, how many layers can you create? Let us try.







Bùxǐhuān chīcài

Don’t like to eat vegetables



bùxǐhuān chījièlán cài

Don’t like to eat kale



bùxǐhuān chīzhǔguòtóu de jièlán cài

Don’t like overcooked kale


We have created only 3 layers, why don’t you try to add on them?


We would love to see how many layers or sentences you have managed to create from 喜欢看and 喜欢听. Do email your sentences to us so that we can share with everyone.


Alternative to 喜欢


Instead of saying 喜欢to mean like, you can also use Ài . For example, if you like to watch movies, instead of saying 我喜欢看电影,you can also say 我爱看电影. Therefore, the negative form will be 我不爱看电影.